Building Modernized DevSecOps With CSPM Cybersecurity Solutions

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July 22, 2024

A recent DevSecOps survey by Gitlab, a company well known for its DevOps software innovations, suggested that Business Analytics and AI/ML are going to be an important part of the SDLC. The motivation being, a continuous feedback system that would assist with the workflows, ensure rapid security response, and enable the SDLC for better monitoring. Clinching on to this feat would surely reap productivity and security benefits for your digital transformation journey. However, are your cloud cyber security resources really prepared to engage with the security challenges of modernized DevSecOps?

As performance-boosting as it might be, DevSecOps has certainly complicated the already challenging slalom of digital transformation. Enterprises cannot fathom to neglect the continuous monitoring, enhanced delivery rate, automated recovery capabilities, and many more of its benefits. However, with SaaS, distributed environments, hybrid work cultures etc. DevSecOps needs some extra gears to tackle the security hurdles in the race. Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) can offer the necessary infrastructure security that can help DevSecOps teams to maintain deeper and uniform visibility across the SDLC. 

To understand its potential we first need to have a deeper look at the security challenges that modernized DevSecOps will have to face.

Security Risks Against Secure DevOps

Visibility in Clouds

Cloud infrastructure is the key ingredient for modern day digital transformation strategies. Organizations are smartly curating multi-cloud and hybrid cloud infrastructures to ensure maximum delivery rate and automation benefits. However, the more complicated cloud infrastructure is required for a business, the less visibility it offers for monitoring and security. Realizing the continuous security promises of DevSecOps can be challenging in such environments where compliance and data security threats can easily fly under the radar.

Convoluted Toolkit

What’s worse than lack of security? Over-complicated, sub-par security. Even if DevSecOps teams find the right tools to monitor and protect the cloud operations, maintaining these tools for the complex infrastructures might exhaust more resources than ones already being invested. Such Tool sprawl also leads to undesirable amount of notifications and reports that are near impossible to manage. For DevSecOps to work in harmony with AI/ML and Analytics, it is essential that these tools are curated as per security and monitoring priorities.

Attack Response

With complex infrastructures and even more complex tooling, DevSecOps makes it hard for automation resources to ensure efficient response to cyber security attacks. Having low visibility in the cloud infrastructure, the vulnerabilities of SDLC and CI/CD pipelines also cannot be fixed up until very late in the DevSecOps pipeline causing performance delays

Enhancing DevSecOps for Cloud

For infrastructures like multi-cloud and hybrid cloud, effective visibility demands awareness of all the configurable resources that are deployed. Cloud-naive tools and architectures integrated with legacy systems need an integrated platform that can ensure this awareness across the DevSecOps pipeline. Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) can offer the monitoring intelligence required to identify configuration and compliance vulnerabilities across cloud-native resources and data channels. Let’s take a look at some of the critical security needs that CSPM can address for cloud and DevSecOps.

Cloud Visibility and Monitoring

It is essential for cloud security posture to allow DevSecOps team with a 360-degree visibility into the cloud native tools and legacy infrastructures. DevSecOps can, in fact, leverage its amalgamation with AI/ML and Analytics to further draw insights from the monitoring data gathered by CSPM platforms and tools. CSPM offers a continuous monitoring and reporting with customized security frameworks that can be moulded as per business needs. This is an essential CSPM benefit as it helps with compliance management issues faced by multi-cloud and hybrid cloud environments.

Cloud-Agnostic Security

CSPM can also ensure security monitoring and reporting for core cloud technologies like Infrastructure as Code (IaC). This makes the security policies more independent for the DevSecOps teams as it allows IaC to operate in a more cloud-agnostic fashion.

Automated Response

CSPM allows DevSecOps to ensure quick response against identified vulnerabilities and threats. Automated remediation for disaster recovery and data protection can also be configured using CSPM resources for uninterrupted workloads and secure networking. With the help of AI/ML and analytics, CSPM can also create appropriate risk profiles that can be used for even quicker risk remediation.


DevSecOps is going through a modernization phase where technologies like AI/ML, IoT, Analytics, and Business Intelligence are stretching its resources for upto full-capacity. However, the high-security risks that the cloud infrastructure is prone to, can easily hinder the performance of secure DevOps. Cloud Security Posture Management is a cybersecurity innovation that can help DevSecOps teams ensure a secure and high-functioning multi-cloud and hybrid cloud infrastructures. Zymr offers cybersecurity services companies, a reliable security posture with CSPM expertise and helps them achieve a modernized DevSecOps pipeline for their digital transformation needs.

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Harsh Raval

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